Hey Y'all! Hope you are enjoying this fabulous first weekend of Spring! I'm so thrilled that winter is behind us. I can't wait to get out in my yard and start beautifying it! Once the weather is consistent and I know for sure we won't have anymore "freezing" nights, I will be headed out to shop for plants. I'm looking forward to sitting on the front porch swing enjoying the daylight of our longer evenings.
Have you had spring break yet? I still have 3 weeks to go! 3 long, hard weeks. The only good thing about having a spring break this late is that when we go back, we won't have that many weeks left. I've just got to get that mindset though! In the meantime, we have been working hard really hard in first grade learning everything we need to learn to head to 2nd. I tell my kiddos that this is "crunch time." "First Grade Seriousness" is our motto these days.
In math we have been reviewing place value to get ourselves ready for some double digit addition and subtraction AND regrouping. Yikes! We are going to definitely need some first grade seriousness for that! So to prepare for these skills, we spent some time working with the number grid to get our mental math skills on. I primarily teach math in a whole group setting and it can kinda get boring for me and my kiddos. We don't have a lot of time for fun craft activities with the unit plans we are required to teach for Math and ELA. So as I was going through some files one day, I found a cute kite activity that I had cut out of a book many years ago. I liked the idea behind it and decided that we were going to break out the scissors and glue for math. I recreated the kite activity to fit the skills that we were working on. My kids were thrilled when I told them that we were going to be making kites during math time. It's the little things!
To get started, the kids had to roll 1 die to create a 2 digit number. I let them decide which place to put each number they rolled. Then they had to use their number to fill in the parts of the kite. They had to write the number, draw the number, expand the number, and show the number with numbers and words. For the tail of the kite, the students had to find the numbers that were 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and 10 less of their number.
If you would like to Go Fly a Kite with your class, you can find this FREEBIE in my TpT store.
Hope your first weekend of Spring is Fabulous!

This problem of the kites is actually a smaller amount dependable compared to a electrical power kite that has a reduced feature proportion and therefore are much more twitchy and also erratic, these people usually are more challenging to maintain inside the oxygen if a person de-power all of them too soon they could lose the complete and also lower. Kite Surf