Sunday, March 16, 2014

Blogger and TPT Organization!

Hello, friends! Ashley, here, from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd !

Are you a TPT seller? Do you have a blog? Do you lose track of what giveaways you signed up for or what product you've donated to a bundle? Do you forget to blog?!?

 Well, I'm hoping that this post will help to keep you organized every step of the way whether you're a new seller, or if you've been at this blogging and TPT journey for a while now!

**cough cough** if you're not a TPT seller or blogger, stay with me, there's a freebie at the end :) :)

If you're anything like me, when you have an idea for a project, or when someone tells you a date, or when you want to remember to link up on Thursday, YOU MUST WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY, right?? If I don't, it's gone, never to be remembered again…

My list of endless to-dos usually looks like this . . .

and my sketch of unit/product ideas likes like THIS!

I'm just glad that  ^^ this mess eventually does end up turning into something that I can share with all of you!

SOOOO to tame the lists, to neaten up the madness, to keep all of my ideas blogging or TPT related in one place, I've created a blogging/TPT binder to help keep you organized as well as to hopefully make it impossible for you to forget an idea or the date you need to post on your collaborative blog (ah-em -  my binder reminded me that it was my turn to post today! ;))

Allow me to take you on a tour of my new blogging/TPT binder! I'm still a bit of a newbie on this journey, so I needed all the help that I could get - yet in a basic, simple, and user friendly way!

Here's what I came up with . . . 

First - what's an organizational binder without a cute cover ??!!

Then, and something I want to eventually make a bit more washi tape style, I have each section tabbed! . .

That way, you can see and get to which ever section of the binder you need to as SOON as the idea strikes!!

Then, the other sections look like this!

There are a variety of planning pages to map out your blog posts from their ideas to the day of the week to publish them, as well as a 2014 calendar to map them out by the month! 

I also always let the weeks get away from me without planning my Link Up posts! So I created a few organizational planning pages for link ups, too!

There is also a section to keep track of your current products and units  - have you given them away in a giveaway? How have you promoted them? Keep track of all of that information on the page pictured below! I've also included a page for you to map out your ideas/activities for each unit with a bit of room for you to "sketch" your thoughts, too! I know I love to attempt to draw chicken scratch a picture of my idea for a new game or center!

And lastly, there are a few miscellaneous pages for you to keep track of how you have connected with your followers each day! Never forget to pin a new product ever again! :) There's also just a place for you to jot your thoughts throughout the day until you're home from the craziness of teaching and have a chance to catch up your blogging and/or TPT jobs for the day!

If this looks like something that might help you organize the never ending blogging and TPT to dos, click the image below to take a closer look at it in my TPT store!

What makes me even more excited about this binder is that I've gotten pictures of my binder IN USE!!! 

This is Jameson Ivy's binder - from Lessons with Coffee -  put all together! 
She's putting her binder sections into page protectors! I love it!

And Kacie, one of my sweet friends on IG even got hers bound!! :) 

And look how awesome Elyse's - from Proud to be Primary - looks in her hot pink binder!! I just LOVE it!! :) Thank you so much for sharing your pictures with me, girls!!

Whew! What a post! But I can't leave you without my March Freebie! Again, an organizational tool for you to plan a few projects to get accomplished during Spring Break!

Click below to grab the FREEBIE! :)

I'd love to hear your thoughts!!  Comment below to share them!
Thanks so much for reading and for visiting the Collaboration Connection!


  1. This is A-Mazing!!! Just what I need. Can't wait to try it out!!

    Table Talk with C & C

    1. I'm so glad you like it!! :) :) It was just one of those "OMG I NEED TO MAKE THIS FOR MYSELF" moments turned "hmmm, I bet other people might like this, too!" :)

  2. Reading through this post makes me want to go and purchase this RIGHT NOW!! Great job Ashley!! I can't wait until I can go buy this, print it, and put it to use!! I look forward to finding a fun binder to put it in too!! :)

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

    1. Thanks so much!!! I seriously use this and my weekly checklists every hour of every day!! :) I'm so glad they've been helpful to others, too! :)

  3. What font is this?? I am DYING!! :)
