Hi Everyone! Are you enjoying summer? Summer is a wonderful time to sit back, relax, and read. In case you didn't see my post yesterday over on my own blog, I wanted to repost it over here. It's such an awesome deal that I want to shout it from the rooftops!

I love reading in my classroom. I know I've talked about that before - I adore my Read Aloud time. During this past year we read 12 books whole class, and I already bought a few more class sets for next year. I am an official Scholastic Bonus Point/Dollar Book Addict! In class I carve out time every day after lunch for us to settle down together and read for 15-20 minutes. It's only enough time for a chapter or two, but enough to get the kids wanting more. Many of them will continue on with the books during silent reading time.
This past year I got smart. I have always read every single page of every single book, but this year I found that website "Audible". So many of our class read alouds were on there, read by the authors. Having the authors read the characters the way that they imagined them to be, with different voices, etc... it was amazing! I downloaded the books onto my iPod and then it was easy to plug into my speakers. Many of the downloads were cheaper than getting a CD on Amazon. During the chapters, I was able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the books with my students. It felt really good to sit for a change...
I am teaming up with Educents again with some instant downloads for you! It includes activities for so many of your favorite stories you will be reading this next year (and even a few downloads you can use with any book)!
My products included will surely be loved by your students! Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and The Chocolate Touch are both books that I read with my kiddos. Last summer I wanted to create critical thinking questions for my kiddos, so I made up 48 Activity Cards using Marzano's Dimensions of Thinking prompts for each book. When we were reading the books, I put the cards into our ELA Workshop/Daily 5 rotation, and the kids responded to them in their journals.
There is also a chapter summary grid included in both of them (just like my Read Aloud Mini Packs), that the kids responded on. I LOVED those chapter summary sentence grids this past year. It was a easy graphic organizer that kept the kids responsible and paying attention to what we read together. I already have them copied for all my read alouds for this coming year!
This bundle contains other great stories too!
For a limited time it is $19.99 from Educents which is about 78% off!
18 instant downloads with over 700 pages of materials perfect to accompany your reading list!

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